Morning Briefing

Yardeni Research’s flagship offering.

A daily deep dive into the market news, movement, and indicators.

Large Caps & Electric Trucks

Executive Summary: Expectations of Fed easing have turbocharged small- and mid-cap stocks: The S&P 400 MidCaps and S&P 600 SmallCaps have left the S&P 500 in the dust over the past two weeks. Today, Jackie points out the huge

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Currencies, Central Banks,MegaCap-8 Earnings

Executive Summary: There are plenty of dollar detractors around, but their arguments don’t hold much weight against a big reason that demand for the greenback will remain strong: Foreign investors need dollars to invest in US assets. Eric is

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Trump 2.0, No Recession& Interest-Rate Cuts

Executive Summary: The policy priorities of Trump 2.0 would likely have mixed effects on inflation, the labor market, trade, and government borrowing—Eric sorts out the investment implications. … Also: The latest economic indicators still don’t suggest a recession anytime

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The most concise analysis of the key variables driving the global economy and financial markets.

Short-form takes on current market events.

Valuation-Led Selloff Led by Magnificent-7

Today’s stock market rout was led by the Magnificent-7. The Roundhill Magnificent Seven ETF (MAGS) was down 6.1% today, and down 8.3% since the S&P 500 peaked at a record high during July 16 (chart). The S&P 500 is

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Dow Theory Is So Yesterday

The DJIA is down 2.1% from its record high of 41,198 reached last Wednesday (chart). The DJTA was down 1.6% today, remaining below its record high in early 2022. According to Dow Theory, the DJTA needs to break out

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An Earnings-Driven Bull Market

Yesterday, we suggested that the stock market selloff since the July 16 record high in the S&P 500 might not last very long. So we were pleased by today’s broad rally in the S&P 500 (1.1%), the Nasdaq (1.6%), the Russell 2000 (1.7%),

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